Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
The magic of compounding 100 consecutive days.

The magic of compounding 100 consecutive days.

E18: Like interest, behaviours can also be compounded for dramatic positive effect.

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Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

This episode is about the power of compounding.

Einstein is often attributed with saying that compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world. (Fun fact: It turns Einstein never said that at all. Go figure!)

Regardless of who said it, compounding is a profound principle that applies not only to interest, but to habits as well.

Great achievement is not a result of a 30 day sprint, but rather a lifetime of compounding behaviours, which start with days, then turn into weeks, months, years and decades.

Today’s show is about the first magical milestone on your journey to compounding essential habits: the first 100 days!

Enjoy my friend.

Ask any questions in the comment section below. Each week I will choose one to answer in my weekly newsletter.

To becoming unrecognizable,


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Here’s a list of all the previous shows just in case you want quick access to any show you may have missed.

Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
Mental maneuvers to think greater than your emotions so you can lose weight, look great and feel fantastic.