This week I open up my journal and share 5 ideas I’ve been thinking about that are important on our journey to losing weight and keeping it off for good.
Here are the ideas I do a deeper dive on…
Losing weight is hard. Keeping it off is harder.
Doing hards things requires us to do hard thinking.
The importance of choosing habits that are less vulnerable to disruption.
Behaviour is contagious, so who we surround ourself with matters when it comes to losing weight.
Why habit setting is more effective than goal setting.
Here’s my suggestion.
Listen to this while you are out on a walk. And bring a notebook with you to jot down anything that really resonates.
Enjoy my friend!
Dean 🇨🇦
Need help?
I do premium one-on-one consulting for those looking to lose at least 10% of unwanted body weight.
Consulting starts at $750/month, but the results you will achieve are priceless.
I have lost 23% of unwanted Dean at age 57 and it has transformed my entire life in ways I never could have imagined.
Imagine how your life would change if you could lose 5%, 10% or more of unwanted you?
Let’s book a time to chat. It’s free.
To learn more start here.
PS — Here are two current female clients results over the past 90 days.
Our focus?
Designing the perfect eating plan for their DNA that is scrumptious, satisfying, simple and sustainable.
You would be surprised how a few simple eating changes can spark extraordinary results that are effortless to sustain long term.
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