Welcome to Unrecognizable with Dean Dwyer.
The purpose of this show is to teach you THE GREATEST skill you have never been taught…
The ability to change your worst behaviours by investing in and mastering Essential Habits that will transform your body, business and life.
It’s the ultimate secret to happiness.
And if you are like me and are on a journey of self-discovery and self-mastery, then subscribe so you can accelerate your progress and your results.
What you can expect in this episode.
The main takeaway from today’s show is that what you think are character flaws are actually system failures. I share a few awesome and embarrassing stories to highlight how I uncovered this insight and how I retroactively removed a character flaw I lugged around with me for more than a decade. I also share a few simple examples of systems I have adopted to…
floss every day
leave the house without forgetting anything
remember to check my “To do” list app every day
What to expect from yourself.
Think of the podcast as a course not a show. This simple mindset reframe will help you value the information more and nudge you towards acting on any ideas that hit home.
Schedule a time in your calendar to listen to this episode. (That’s a system!!)
Steal any ideas that resonate.
Pay attention to any other thoughts that bubble to the surface as you are listening. They bubble up because they matter.
Take action!!! Take action!!! Take action!!!
That’s it my friend. Keep being awesome!
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