Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
The false thinking behind cheat days.

The false thinking behind cheat days.

E16: Three reasons why the cheat day concept is ridiculously poor thinking.

Want to know something I have not done in the 951 days I have been on my Successful Body Journey?



Because when you actually break down the thinking, you realize it’s a ridiculous idea that defies common sense.

In this episode I’m going to share 3 reasons the cheat day concept is incredibly poor thinking that dramatically decreases your chances of building a highly successful body.

To hammer home the ridiculousness of the idea, I compare it to drug use and cheating on a romantic partner. You’ll understand once you listen to the show.

It’s worth noting that these views are my own. Your job is listen with an open mind, steal what you think is useful and discard everything that you think is useless.

Enjoy my friend.

To becoming unrecognizable,


PS. Here’s a master list of all the previous shows just in case you want quick access to any show you may have missed.

Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
Mental maneuvers to think greater than your emotions so you can lose weight, look great and feel fantastic.