The Psychology of Weight Loss
The best advice I smartly ignored that you should ignore also.

The best advice I smartly ignored that you should ignore also.

E19: When smart people say dumb things.

How are you my friend,

Today’s episode is all about how I have ignored really dumb advice that some really smart people continue to trumpet on the internet.

And ignoring this advice has played a monumental role in helping me generate remarkable results for myself on my successful body and life journey.

Have a listen to discover what that advice is so you can steal it and apply it on your journey to building a successful body, business and life.

To getting better at getting better,


PS. If you are a parent, the message in this episode is absolutely something you should teach your kids how to master.

Free Ear Candy…

For your listening convenience, here is a master list of every episode I have done so far.

The Psychology of Weight Loss
Mental maneuvers to think greater than your emotions so you can lose weight, look great and feel fantastic.