Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
Why avoidance is a TERRIBLE strategy

Why avoidance is a TERRIBLE strategy

E32 of The Mindset Show (My previous podcast)

By default I'm an avoider. If something gets the better of me (meaning it chews me up and spits me out emotionally) I will avoid it to spare myself any future anguish.

But here's the thing. Avoidance in the short-term can be a positive thing IF there's a plan in place to build resiliency to that thing moving forward.

But avoidance as a long-term plan is a terrible solution because avoidance forces us to live small. Like really small. And the goal in life is to live big. Like really BIG! And you can't do that when you are running from all your major problems in life.

In today's episode I share 3 things that will provide tremendous value for you...

  • Why you need to adopt the "avoidance is a terrible strategy" mindset.

  • A story of how I conquered my over-eating problem (or how I stopped eating like a dog) and how you can steal that process and use it in your life .

  • Why you should make a conscious choice to address that big thing you have been avoiding in your life so you can create a future that is much bigger than your past.

Most importantly, I highly encourage you to steal my methodology and use it to tackle that big thing you have been avoiding in your life. 

To eliminating avoidance for good,


Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
Mental maneuvers to think greater than your emotions so you can lose weight, look great and feel fantastic.