Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
Mindset I stole from Lebron James

Mindset I stole from Lebron James

E14 of The Mindset Show (My previous podcast)

Lebron James is a fascinating human. Not only does he have a high basketball IQ, he has a high life IQ. The dude is just a wise man. So when I heard that he stays in peak physical condition year round (read: he never lets himself fall out of shape) I knew I had to learn more about this mindset and any principles I could steal and use in my own life. In this episode I dive into how I tweaked that mindset to help me master intermittent fasting and why this is so important on my quest to building a successful body.

Solve ‘n Sell
The Psychology of Weight Loss
Mental maneuvers to think greater than your emotions so you can lose weight, look great and feel fantastic.