think different.

Hi. I’m Dean.

Here’s a little secret that has allowed me to be wildly successful achieving my goals.

I design habits that allow me to succeed on my worst day, not my best.

That’s opposite of how everyone else approaches habits and why success eludes them.

They unaware their habits only work on their best days and those days are few and far between.


Design habits that work, even during a zombie 🧟‍♀️ apocalypse .

what’s the fix?

Stop investing in solutions that require every day to be your best.

The solution is to default to simple habits that allow you to achieve success on your worst day.

Those includes worst-case experiences like…

  • sleep deprivation

  • a sick kid

  • an unpredictable event like a pandemic

  • grieving

  • an illness

  • a bad day at work

  • an argument

  • an epic failure

  • a sudden emergency

  • travel

  • relationship drama

  • a zombie apocalypse

worst-case habits.

Design habits that can be done even if an apocalypse rains down upon you.

One way to accomplish that is to subscribe to my Habit Secrets Newsletter.

I teach you how to be a habit engineer.

Each week I share tips and strategies so you can be wildly successful at work and at life.

Join now.

Psst! Get classified habit intel in your inbox.

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The top secrets behind extraordinary personal transformations.


I teach people the most powerful skill they have never learned…how to transform their bad habits into great habits so they can build a successful body, business and life.