The Power of Mindset — A visual framework.
😛The secret to attracting the magnificent into your life.
I’m lucky.
This is the 58th year I have dodged the Grim Reaper.
I used to take that for granted.
I don’t anymore.
I believe it’s an absolute miracle we get to whatever age we get to.
In my case, that miracle is allowing me to spend the holidays with my parents, sister and her 3 kids.
That sparks great joy for me.
Today’s newsletter also sparks great joy.
It is the 172nd consecutive week I have committed to send you something that I hope will spark joy and provide value.
In that spirit, I would like to share “The Power of Mindset” framework that I created, with a breakdown of its elements.
Let’s dive in shall we.
It starts with mindset…
I believe that the root cause of every problem you have is a mindset issue.
You have a false belief about the thing you are struggling with — weight loss, money, love — and, as a result, you create undesirable outcomes.
To create the outcomes you desire you must uncover the false mindset at play and swap it out for a new better mindset.
So what is mindset?
Here is how I define it.
Mindset (n) — a recurring conscious or non-conscious belief about a particular subject matter.
Here are some common mindsets…
money is the root of all evil
people can’t be trusted
all humans have rights
fat makes you fat
nice guys and gals finish last
you can’t teach an old dog new tricks
you can’t learn a new language/skill later in life
you are supposed to get fatter as you get older
love conquers all
All of those examples are beliefs some people have.
Those beliefs are recurring thoughts that shape how an individual behaves — rightly or wrongly — and the outcomes they subsequently produce.
And those results create identities that either attract more of what they want or more of what they don’t want.
The life-changing magic of mindset.
So let me break down my mindset model.
At the core of everything is the way you think (mindset) about a particular subject — and that matters A LOT!
Because what you think, influences how you behave.
How you behave influences the outcomes you produce.
And the outcomes you produce shape how you see yourself (identity).
The second part of the model is where the magic happens.
When your identity changes it acts like a magnet, attracting new and wonderful things — the magnificent — into your life.
I broke it down into 8 categories of attraction.
friends and followers
experiences and opportunities
ideas and resources
health and wellness
luck and serendipity
generosity and kindness
love and acceptance
abundance and prosperity
An example.
Here’s a mindset that is the foundation for The Declaration of Independence.
All humans have rights.
I personally believe this is the greatest mindset ever created.
Before the Declaration of Independence, humans were at the mercy of the ruler in charge.
People assumed they had no rights and lived their lives accordingly.
“All humans have rights” created a massive shift in thinking and subsequently changed how people behaved.
Those changes in behaviour created new outcomes.
And those new outcomes created a new identity and reshaped an entire nation into a world power house.
So what are your takeaways?
The first is awareness.
I want you to see/visualize how mindset actually works and what it can do for you.
The second is simplicity.
Every problem you have is a mindset issue. Change the mindset and you will set off a chain reaction that will attract magnificent things into your life.
The third is hope.
Your problem is within you. But so is the solution.
That’s it for today. 🙏 Thanks for reading.
Happy December 24th or 25th or whatever day you are reading this,
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